
Dealing with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. PTSD is a mental health condition that can occur after a traumatic event, such as physical or sexual assault, military combat, natural disasters, or ...

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What Are the Benefits of Counseling Services?

Problems are a normal part of life. Whether we like them or not, we’re bound to face them every now and then. No person is entirely invincible from problems. It holds true regardless of age and gender. Some obstacles could easily be resolved. On th...

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Healthy Habits That Are Good for Mental Wellness

Practicing a healthy lifestyle is one of the most rewarding commitments anyone could ever have. It is an ideal way to boost well-being and offers numerous health benefits. This is why people could never go wrong with it. In pursuing healthy living, i...

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When Anger Comes After the Trauma

Following a traumatic event, many people get angry. Anger gives us the energy to keep going in the face of adversity, which helps us cope with life’s difficulties. At the same time, rage can cause issues. That’s when you need anger manage...

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The Effects of Emotional Abuse

Most people do not know that you may be a victim of abuse since emotional abuse is so subtle and does not leave visible bruises or signs. You might not even be aware of it. Many victims of emotional abuse are unaware that it is happening to them. Thi...

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Your Child’s Mental Health Matters

Are you a parent concerned about the mental health and well-being of your children? Maybe your children are having a tough time getting along with their peers in school and would rather spend time playing alone than with a group. Maybe they spend mos...

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